Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 8... The Sunrise

Day 8

My wife and I got up together to watch the sunrise this morning.

We've been together, Ginger and I, for over 25 years now and I think that's the first time we've ever watched a sunrise together.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ginger remembers another time that I don't, because that happens quite a bit. I like to consider myself somewhat of a romantic, insomuch as I am helplessly in love with my wife, but my memory isn't always the greatest, so there's every possibility that I've let a previous sunrise with my wife slip my mind. But her sheer love of sleeping certainly has prevented us from seeing most, what with her being in bed and all, and not outside.

In any regard, they've been few and far between, if they've been at all, and I suggest you grab your sweetie the first chance you get and watch one together. It was very nice.

And of course, watching the sunrise here over the ocean is different from watching it, say, from over the Wal-Mart in Heartland Crossing, which is where it would be if I could actually see it from my house, which I can't. (The sunrise, that is.) For me to see a sunrise from my house, it has to rise over the trees east of about 4 houses down from us. I can't imagine that would be as pretty as it is here, but I can't honestly say, because I don't think I've ever made a point to head out of my house and specifically watch it, to my detrement.

How many times have I been driving -- anywhere -- and seen the sun come up and not be moved by it like I am here. Often, I'm annoyed because my eyes really don't do well out in the sun, especially looking right into it.


Because every day the sun comes up is a good day. As Tom Hanks says in Cast Away, "I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?" That hits home here more, when you see just how spectacular a sunrise really is.

But there's one more thing... I got to watch it with the most beautiful girl in the world. As gorgeous as the sunrise is, there is nothing more gorgeous than Ginger. If God gets an A for the sunrise, He gets and A+ for the girl I get to watch it with. Because she is the reason getting up in the morning to watch a sunrise is worthwhile.

So for me, I guess it's not the sunrise after all. It's who I got to watch it with.

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