Wednesday, January 27, 2021

No... Biden's Inauguration was NOT Historic

The 2021 Inauguration Day is not a historic day. Not even close. I fully believe history will see it as a disastrous day for our country.

But let's look at what happened on January 20:

1) We held an inauguration. Nothing special about that. Has happened every four years since our country's inception. Every inauguration bums some people out, and elates others, but it happens nevertheless. Those who are excited about those who are being inaugurated like to say that it's historic, but it rarely is. Barack Obama's first was historic, for obvious reasons, but outside of that, the only truly "historic" inauguration we've seen in the last century was Donald Trump's. Never before in this country had a true outsider -- a person who'd held no previous political office -- been elected as our President. Not all newly elected Presidents are career politicians, but most of them are, and rare are the few who did not at least have some prior experience in the political field. Donald Trump did not.

2) The man inaugurated today as the 46th President of the United States truly could not be LESS historic. He is as average, mundane, and redundant a candidate as we've ever seen. A career politician who has leached off the government for the last 50 years, without a single significant contribution to the betterment of America from his time in Congress to show for it. And to boot, a man who'd not only tried and failed two times before, but was forced to drop out of a previous presidential race because of corruption. A man like that is nowhere near historic.

3) Characteristically speaking, this man literally represents everything of which the party that elected him claims to disdain:

He's white; the epitome of white privilege that Liberals claim is the scourge of society.

He's old. So old, in fact, that very few people believe his health will survive his four year term. The Democrat Party has spent the last 50 years or so screaming about how the youth of America are the future, how old people are out of touch, and specifically the last four years bashing President Trump in part for his age.

He's wealthy. Granted he became wealthy on the backs of the taxpayer. But Democrats claim to hate wealth, and openly advocate for socialistic redistribution of wealth.

He has a history of racism. If there's anything Democrats like doing, it's holding people's past against them, especially if there's even a hint of racism involved. Then Senator Biden's grilling of black, Supreme Court judge Clarence Thomas was nothing less than cringe-worthy from a racial perspective. The kind of grilling that would instantly get lambasted as racist today and likely result in a forced resignation. And the only real legislation Biden in which was ever involved was a Crime Bill in the mid 1990's that resulted in incarcerating black males in historical numbers. Among other incidences, Biden's decades as a US Senator is a litany of one damaging blow to blacks after another.

He's a perv. In addition to the allegations of sexual misconduct, of which there are several, the countless videos of how he nuzzles women and children are downright nauseating. Donald Trump was lambasted almost daily for his treatment of women well before he was ever a politician. And Democrats used completely fabricated sexual misconduct allegations to attempt to bring down a perfectly righteous Supreme Court candidate. On a day when they were also celebrating the first woman to become a Vice President, they literally elected a man as President who has a very shady past as it relates to women -- a past far more damaging and disqualifying then the one they attempted to fabricate against Judge Kavanaugh.

4) Speaking of women, the Democrat party "loved" Kamala Harris -- a woman who has serious allegations of sleeping her way to success -- so much she was literally the first primary candidate to drop out of the race this past year because she could raise no funding in her own party. The party disdained her so much that they would not contribute in any way to her campaign. And of the numerous hose-heads who filled up the Democrat primary ticket, she was the first to drop out of the race. A white woman who literally lied about her racial heritage was vastly popular to Harris, so much so she was considered a front-runner for the nomination well into its latter stages months after Harris had dropped out of the race.

So there's your history. An old, white, crusty, failing health and mental capacity, corrupt, perverted, career politician and a black woman so disliked by her party she was the first to be forced to drop out of the race for its nomination.

And I have no illusions whatsoever about, nor hope for, their promises of unity. Indeed, Biden has already proven through a record-setting flurry of Executive Orders that his administration will be little else than a radical Liberal, vile, vindictive, and highly spiteful assault on Conservatives, and specifically, anyone who supported Trump. And he has no concern for collateral damage, as many of the edicts passed with his pen will hurt Democrat faithful as well. Unity be damned -- it's all out war on Trump and his supporters.

No, this year's inauguration was not historical at all. It was sad.

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