Thursday, January 7, 2021

Capitol Riots: Where has all this outrage been?

I was as disgusted by what I saw at the Capitol yesterday as you were. It was wrong, unlawful, ugly, and inexcusable. It was roundly condemned by everybody who watched yesterday, Republican and Democrat alike. Every media talking head condemned it, right and left. As they should have.

Problem is, that same condemnation didn't happen this summer and fall as we saw far worse acts of violence and aggression take place all over the country. For the last seven months or so, far more people died, far more businesses were lost and looted, far more property was damaged, and far more lives were ruined. Government buildings in Minneapolis, and Seattle, and Portland were all overrun, firebombed, and occupied, sometimes for weeks. Police and emergency vehicles and other government property were burned and destroyed. In most places, the violence, and the riots, and the looting took place for days or weeks. Damage estimates reaching into the billions of dollars. From most of the left -- many who bristled with condemnation yesterday -- little more than silence.

And let's not forget the time just a couple years ago when Leftists, mostly women, stormed the Capitol building to protest the Kavanaugh hearings. And media outlets such as the USA Today all but encouraged it!

Today, Washington is calm. The protesting, done. The violence is over, such as it was. One protester was tragically and needlessly killed, by all indications by Capitol police. Otherwise, a few windows were broken, and a few podiums overturned. The violence was so great that our Congressional representatives were able to get back to business within hours in the very building and chambers that were overrun.

Prior to the November 3rd election, businesses in cities all over the country were boarding up in anticipation of rioting after the election. You know why? Because they all fully expected Donald Trump to be reelected, and they didn't need to be reminded of not only what has been going on since the summer, but the violence and riots they watched after he was initially elected in 2016. They watched as rioting broke out all over the country, particularly on college campuses, but also in many cities. They remembered the fires we all saw in downtown DC after his election, and in other cities, and the fires and destruction we saw in Berkely, CA after his election. And they certainly knew what had happened all over the country this summer. In Minneapolis, and Portland, and Seattle, and Madison, and St. Louis, and Chicago, and Atlanta, and New York, and most other Liberal cities.

Had Trump been reelected -- which he was fully expected to be -- Liberals would have rioted even more violently than they had before. It was a sad display as business owners knew what was coming. They were preparing for a new round of fires. And I shudder to think what Liberals would have done to this country if Trump were actually successful in overturning this election.

See any fires yesterday?

Officials in DC had known for weeks about the rally that was planned for yesterday. And yet there is a simple reason why not a single business in DC boarded up in anticipation of it, and why the Capitol police were woefully unprepared for what happened:

Because Trump supporters had never done this before.

His rallies have all been peaceful. Point out the last time a Trump rally turned violent. And even if you mention something stupid like Charlottesville -- which wasn't a Trump rally -- even then, that's about all you got.

No, Trump rallies, and Conservative gatherings in general don't turn violent. Almost, like, never. What happened yesterday was an anomaly. There was no need to board up and no need to beef up security because there was literally no anticipation that anything would turn violent. And while it was completely shameful and unlawful, the media bent over backwards to make it seem worse than what's been happening all summer long. What I saw yesterday, save for a few morons who apparently wanted their picture taken in the House chamber, was several thousand protesters milling around outside doing a bunch of nothing. Waving flags and chanting, and not setting fire to a single thing or overturning a single vehicle.

Protesters completely overran the building, scrambling away virtually all the occupants and security. And with virtually unfettered access to the building, do you know what they did to the countless number of priceless, hundreds-years-old, vintage artifacts, statues and pieces of art in the building?


They left it all alone. Didn't destroy anything. Didn't set anything on fire. Broke a few windows, turned over some benches and podiums, scared the bejeebers out of the Congressmen and security, snapped a few pics, and then left. Mayor called a 6:00 pm curfew, and they pretty much cleared out.

Now, juxtapose that with what you've seen on your TV since this summer. Fires, death, destruction, mayhem, looting. City streets that look like war zones. Innocent people beaten and bloodied. Businesses completely destroyed. People terrorized in their homes. Government buildings overrun and occupied for days and weeks. All semblance of law and order thrown out the window. And the media, and most of the Left, made excuses for all of it. News stories with banners that read "Protests Mostly Peaceful" as fires raged in the background. Media morons and Democrat leaders making excuses, telling us we should all be sympathetic to "why" the protests were taking place. And nary an official on the Left willing to condemn any of it. Certainly not with any teeth.

It was disgusting and sickening. We watched yesterday as the same Democrat leaders who belittled our policemen all summer, labeled Trump a monster for threatening to use the National Guard to quell the violence, and all but blamed all the violence on law-enforcement, were all now cowered under their desks in their safe and secure secret bunkers crying for Trump to bring the National Guard in to make the bad guys go away. It was pathetic.

Here is what Nancy Pelosi said in an NPR interview following the George Floyd riots in Minneapolis this summer... "(President Trump) crossed another threshold of undermining our democracy. That the federal forces would be used to disperse a crowd using billy clubs and tear gas takes us to the status of banana republic... I don't think the president's calling out the military are warranted. I think that there, by and large, have been peaceful demonstrations in large numbers across the country. There has been some violence... And violence must be addressed. But there is no reason for the U.S. military to be called out for this."

I guess that was before her podium got turned over. She's had a change of heart.

Look, I could go on and on. Yesterday, a mob overran our nation's capitol building. For all intents and purposes, those who breached the building could be called domestic terrorists. But the "violence" we saw paled in comparison to what we've been watching on TV for the past several months. Heck, it paled in comparison to what was going on in Portland yesterday at the same time (or did you miss that on the news?)

If you were sickened by what you saw yesterday -- as I was -- then you should have been sickened all summer long -- as I have been. Sadly, Liberals have not been. Democrat leaders and the Liberal media, who didn't outright condone it or encourage it, certainly didn't condemn it the way they condemned what they saw yesterday. They demanded Trump stand up immediately during the protests yesterday and condemn it all, but it took Joe Biden nearly a month to say anything about the violence in Minneapolis this summer.

Pelosi has encouraged "uprisings" in the past. Maxine Waters encouraged her followers to accost and assault Trump followers "pushing back on them" wherever they found them. Kamela Harris is on record as saying the violent protests "should not stop." Chuck Schumer said he was "proud" of the violent protests in New York over the summer (after previously threatening Supreme Court judges with violence) and called them "mostly peaceful" even as businesses and government property was burning right before his eyes. The list goes on and on. I literally had a Liberal friend of mine tell me that what happened at the Capitol yesterday was far worse than "looting a few Walgreens." That's how clueless the left really is and the hypocrisy is revolting.

Democrats and Republicans alike condemned what happened yesterday at the Capitol. As they should. The whole of the United States media conglomerate were outraged by what they saw yesterday. As they should have been.

Unfortunately, when death and violence and destruction were feeding their narrative for the last several months, the Left and their media flunkies weren't offering the same condemnation. Worse, as Americans were dying and losing their businesses and having their lives ruined, Democrats were making excuses for it.

There are some who believe what happened yesterday amounted to insurrection against the United States. I'm no legal expert, but I doubt it. The courts will get to make that determination against some of the rioters soon enough. But it'll be hard to prove insurrection against the government for accessing a public building that you pay for with your own taxes.

If the newly Democrat controlled Congress had any scruples at all, they'd hunt down and prosecute the thousands of people who murdered and looted and ruined peoples lives all Summer long, destroying and raiding and burgling other's private property.

I'm no legal expert, but I doubt that will happen either.

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