Monday, November 2, 2020

I'm Just Tired of it All.

Like many of you, I'm ready for this year's election to be over. Mostly, I'm just tired of it all.

I'm tired of all the lies. From BOTH sides of the aisle.

I'm tired of being told that because I'm passionate about my politics that I don't love Jesus enough.

I'm tired of people's absolute refusal to see the truth for what it is.

I'm tired of defending a man to my Christian friends whose political policies in the past 4 years have done nothing but favor the Christian community, including the monumental moving of our US embassy back to Jerusalem and the equally monumental appointing of three conservative judges to the Supreme Court.

I'm tired of being told that speaking out against the evils of killing babies is not "inclusive" or "tolerant" or "loving."

I'm tired of watching millions of people believe a man who has been a member of the Washington establishment for into 5 DECADES, and as such is a source of most of the problems our country now faces, will now miraculously create the solutions to all those problems if elected President.

I'm tired of wearing masks.

I'm tired of being told "just wear the damn mask," when there is no definitive data whatsoever that they achieve the desired effect.

I'm tired of people believing our President had anything to do with this virus.

I'm tired of people thinking they could have done anything different than the President did to contain it.

I'm tired of people believing the virus is as bad as so-called "experts" say it is.

I'm tired of being labeled a bigot, racist, and a homophobe when there is literally no evidence to suggest I am.

I'm tired of my President being labeled a bigot, a racist, and a homophobe when there is literally no evidence to suggest he is.

I'm tired of people distorting the definitions of "bigot" and "racist" and "homophobe" to fit their own agendas.

I'm tired of violent, criminal behavior being excused in the name of social justice.

I'm tired of being labeled "insensitive" and "un-loving" when I demand that violent, criminal behavior be dealt with in the appropriate manner.

I'm tired of our frontline heroes being berated, beat, fired, and killed for doing their jobs in the line of duty.

I'm tired of people completely ignoring evidence every time someone suffers the consequences of their criminal behavior at the hands of law enforcement.

I'm tired of being accused of not thinking black lives matter if I don't support Black Lives Matter.

I'm tired of people being so possessive of their creed when in truth, ALL lives really do matter.

I'm tired of people believing that every shooting of a black criminal is immediately racially motivated.

I'm tired of minorities having to face discrimination from anyone simply because they're a minority.

I'm tired of being made to feel bad because I'm white.

I'm tired of certain individuals and organizations trying to label us all as "haters" instead of holding accountable the few who truly are for their own stupidity.

I'm tired of Democrat leaders in Washington getting away with illegal behavior time and again.

I'm tired of everyone getting so easily offended, usually for no reason.

I'm tired of being told you can vote for someone, yet not support their policies.

I'm tired of being told Jesus didn't care about politics, and didn't participate in them.

I'm tired of Democrat politicians' willingness to completely ruin people's lives just because they don't get their way.

I'm tired of Christians who preach forgiveness being unwilling to allow our President to move on from his past.

I'm tired of apologizing for Donald Trump. He is who he is and he has never pretended to be something he's not. I respect that.

I'm tired of being told my support for our President means I don't love Jesus.

I'm tired of explaining to people I'm not voting for a Pastor, I'm voting for a President.

I'm tired of being told by people who preach the value in the separation of church and state that I shouldn't vote for a President if he isn't a Pastor.

I'm tired of Christians ignoring the truth that in the historical record of the Bible, God routinely used un-Godly people to accomplish Godly goals.

I'm tired of all the political ads.

I'm tired of people choosing to ignore simple economics.

I'm tired of the Cowboys sucking so bad.

I'm tired of people trying to convince us that America isn't great, and never was.

I'm tired of people trying to convince me that since we are not God's "chosen people," that we are not a Christian nation founded on Biblical principles.

I'm tired of people conveniently forgetting that we are a country that was founded by men who were believers in the God of the Bible.

I'm tired of Democrats' lies that claim Republicans want to take away healthcare and get rid of social security.

I'm tired of people not understanding the concept of "legal" immigration.

I'm tired of people disrespecting our flag and the men and women who died for our freedom, and then trying to convince us they're not doing so.

I'm tired of people believing that social media is somehow inherently evil. Social media didn't create anything. It simply provides a platform.

I'm tired of the complete ignorance in the desire to vote for someone who is promising to raise your taxes.

I'm tired of people believing in the same "polls" that lied to us in 2016.

I'm tired of people not realizing that today's media is nothing but reality television who's goal it is to influence us to believe a certain way.

I'm tired of people believing Jim Acosta is an actual journalist.

I'm tired of the phrase "War on Women." There is no such thing and nobody can define what it means anyway.

I'm tired of being told I shouldn't worry because Jesus is in control and is the ultimate victor. I know that, and believe it. But I'd just as soon my kids and grandkids not have to suffer because of stupid political ideology when I have the ability to influence it with a wise vote.

I'm tired of people ignoring the accomplishments of a man simply because they hate him so much.

I'm tired of people hating him so much.

Mostly, I'm just tired of it all.

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