Friday, December 20, 2013

Part 1: Judgment

God loves the sinner...


Boy, am I glad about that. Because like the Apostle Paul, I am chief among sinners.

There, I said it, and for some reason, I don't feel much better. While that's a Biblical precept that I believe is an accurate picture how God feels about his people, it seems more and more in today's society that most people want to stop after the first line.

Many in society today -- including many who claim to be devout Christians -- want to picture God as a big teddy bear, who constantly has his big arms open, ready to hug anyone who comes by, no matter what kind of life they live. For the most part, there's truth in that assessment. God indeed is ready to receive, love and redeem anyone who wants to accept him. Most people want to believe that God is going to welcome everybody who's a "good person" into Heaven, no matter what kind of lifestyle they choose to live.

But again, many want to stop at the hug. When the rest of the Bible reveals that there are certain precepts we have to adhere to, certain laws we have to live by, when it shows the kind of lifestyle we are expected to lead, when it condemns those who choose to turn their backs on God's laws, well then, that's where the lullaby stops.

Obviously, I've had a lot of conversations over the last couple days about the comments Phil Robertson made in an interview in GQ magazine. I'm not going to give you all the details. You can read the interview yourself here. But suffice to say, it has polarized a lot of people, and we've each chosen to align ourselves with a certain side.

As is often the case, most people have missed the bigger point.

Problem #1: Phil's comments about the bible are correct. It really does say that homosexuals -- along with a host of other sinful types -- will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Those aren't my words. They're not Phil's words. They're God's words. I'm not judging someone, or condemning them. I'm presenting them with Biblical truth. That someone doesn't believe in Scripture is not my problem. I can't force anyone to believe in the Bible or God, anymore than God himself can.

The most common misconception in the Bible is the belief that we are not supposed to judge. It's the first thing most non-Christians -- and many Christians -- go to when they feel attacked. Without any real knowledge of the Bible in full, they will run to the Scripture (or Scriptures) that they believe says thou shalt not judge.

Now, the problem with that is: 1) they are often confusing -- on purpose, I might add -- judging someone's actions with judging someone's soul, and 2) the Bible does indeed provide us the freedom to judge someone's actions.

True: Only God can judge your soul. There are countless Bible verses that proclaims God alone as the One able to save and redeem, and in turn erase your name from the Book of Life. James 4 proclaims that truth.

But we are indeed allowed -- and sometimes required -- to discern and judge the actions of others based on Biblical truth. I could write it all out myself, but here are two very good articles on the misconceptions of judging in the bible. Both say it better, and probably more succinctly than I would. #1 and #2.

There's other Scripture that allows us to speak about our ability to discern others based on the "fruit" they produce. It says that bad trees will produce bad fruit, but that good trees will produce good fruit. It's pretty simple really... If your life is producing bushels of bad fruit, there's a pretty good chance you're not living right, at least not adhering to the Biblical principles that God has set. If you're producing good fruit, then maybe you're doing a few things right.

And yet, even then, just because someone is a good person doesn't mean they're necessarily going to Heaven, for the Bible says there is only one way to get to Heaven, and that's through Jesus Christ. (John 14:6) Unfortunately, I know a lot of really good people who don't have a relationship with Jesus. Does that mean I can just ignore the truth of John 14 just because I happen to know someone who's a "pretty good guy"? Or because they're a good friend or relative of mine? Of course not.

The bottom line is that we are commanded to "speak the truth in love," and I'll be the first to admit that I fail sometimes on the "love" part. But that doesn't mean we are to cower away each time the truth of the Bible is attacked. I believe we are to stand in truth, and stand up to defend what we know is right about Scripture.

People simply don't want to be told they're wrong. And they certainly don't like it when you tell them that God is not please with the way they're living. When confronted with the truth of Scripture, most who are living the dark will lash out and try to deflect the discernment on their lives. For most of us, if we truly care and love each other, that's called "accountability." But for someone who's trying to deny their sin, they call it "judging."

But I'm not defending my rules. I'm defending God's. I did not say Thou Shalt not Covet. God did. I did not say Thou Shalt not Murder. God did. I did not say Thou Shalt not Steal. God did. But see... those are all rules that most people don't oppose. Those are all God's laws that virtually everyone agrees with. And none of us have a problem with calling someone out who covets, or is a murderer or a thief.

But I did not say homosexuality is a sin. God did.

And the fact that others don't agree with that law doesn't make it any less true.

Fortunately for all of us, God is loving and ever merciful and is big and gracious enough to forgive our sins.

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