Monday, November 7, 2016

Time to Make the Right Choice!

This is my final political post for this election. No debate on this one. Comment if you want, but there is nothing left to debate. You’re either voting for our future, or against it.

Tomorrow is the day. If you’ve already voted, I pray you’ve made the right decision. If you have not, then it’s time to face the reality of what you’re about to do.

There are only two candidates with any chance of winning tomorrow. ONLY two. And it’s time to stop playing around and understand exactly what is at stake. A vote for anybody other than Donald Trump tomorrow is a vote for Hillary Clinton. Plain and simple. And before you “vote your conscience” you need to fully understand what you’re doing.

Donald Trump is a flawed man, there is no question about that. He’s done and said things in his life that he himself says he regrets. He has not been a man of extremely high moral character over his life. As a Christian, I understand the apprehension, I really do. It would be far easier if we had a man with the character of a Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush. Unfortunately, we do not.

But let me be clear about this: I believe Hillary Clinton is an absolute snake. She is evil to the core. She is the serpent in the Garden, and don’t you forget it! Since the beginning of her political career (which has been her whole adult life, by the way) she has done nothing that hasn’t been self-serving, to advance her own position, and make herself wealthy beyond measure. The same could be said about Donald Trump, but the difference is that she’s done it at the expense of the taxpayer, not in the private sector. She’s used her positions in public service to advance her own agendas, that benefitted no one outside her own personal circle. She changes her political position as often as the wind changes, to whatever side is most politically prudent at the time to keep her positions. (Think: the Iraqi War and Gay Marriage.) She’s hell bent, as are most Liberals of her ilk, on destroying America as we know it and turning it into a state that serves her own, selfish needs, while creating a permanent lower class of people that keep her in power. She’s a bad, bad person.

So, if you do not vote for Donald Trump tomorrow, here’s what you’re voting for:

1) A party that specifically and on purpose — and by a vote — removed any reference to God from their official platform. (Look it up.)
2) Per her own campaign promises, an all-out assault on the Bill of Rights, including but not limited to the Freedom of Speech, the Freedom of Religion, and the Right to Bear Arms. (Which will eliminate your right to decide how to protect your family)
3) The willingness to murder up to 1 million babies per year.
4) The end of traditional family values as we know them.
5) The continuation of 8 full years of Liberal agenda, with a specific intent to put an end to America’s superiority in the world.
6) The continuation of a path towards the government controlling all costs and decisions about your healthcare. You’re own thoughts, needs, and desires about your own healthcare will become irrelevant.
7) A promise to raise taxes on anyone who becomes successful in business.
8) A promise to allow unfettered immigration, with no attempts to vet radical extremists whose sole goals are to destroy the United States and kill Americans. (See how that’s working out for places like France and Germany.)
9) The possibility that the Supreme Court could be stocked with Liberals for at least the next generation or two. Your children, and perhaps your grandchildren, will be forced to live under a Court system whose entire belief system revolves around the idea that the government should control every aspect of their lives, and that the rights our forefathers envisioned for us are no longer valid.
10) A promise to continue the completely out-of-control government spending that has plunged this country into a deficit that is now virtually un-fixable, with no plan whatsoever to curb frivolous spending.
11) A promise to take the decisions about how to educate your children away from you and the people in your community, and place it in the hands of a few people in the federal government 1000 miles away from your home.
12) A blatant and conceited disregard for the laws of this land. The only presidential candidate in history to be under an active FBI investigation at the time of the election.
13) A history of corruption and scandal, that has left a lot of dead bodies in her wake, and created ridiculous wealth for her and her family.

Remember, everything you think is wrong with our federal government today is the fault of Hillary Clinton and all the other career politicians like her. Donald Trump has never raised a tax, never voted to take away your right to anything, never voted to spend away taxpayer money, and never created any policy or law that furthered our deficit. Everything you believe Hillary Clinton will fix by voting her into office was caused by her to begin with!

That’s what you’re voting for if you vote for anyone other than Donald Trump tomorrow. You can vote your conscience if it makes you feel good about yourself when you’re all done, and yet, all that above will be the only result. You can say that at the end of the day, God will remain in control, and that will be true. But remember this, God routinely let nations wallow in their stupidity, and suffer the consequences of their selfish desires, ambitions, and decisions. God will remain in control to be sure, but it doesn’t mean he will miraculously reach down and fix all the problems we ourselves created. Your children and grandchildren could suffer for years for the decisions you make tomorrow.

Donald Trump might be a creep. He might be off-the-cuff. He might be hot-headed. He might be insensitive. He might not be the best we could have nominated. But in this election, he is the man who represents our platform. He is the man who looked into the camera and admitted that even though he might not always hold the same standards we do, he would fight for our right to hold those standards, believe the way we want to believe, worship the way we want to worship, and not have to bow to the will of the government. Yes, he said that, and promised that. Hillary doesn’t even pretend.

Feel good about yourself if you want. I can’t stop you. But just know the future is in your hands, and regardless of how you cast your ballot tomorrow, your vote will result in either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton as our next president.

I pray our children can live with the results.

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