Today is 9/11. This day means a lot of things to a lot of people.
For my sister, it means it is her birthday. 9/11 was a very important day to her years before it meant anything to anybody else. How would you like to have the day of your birthday remembered worldwide as the day of one of the most tragic events in world history?
For me, 9/11 is the anniversary of the day Pete Rose broke the Major League Baseball all-time hits record and became the most prolific base-hitter in baseball history. As a Reds fan, I remember things like that. Do I remember where I was that day? Of course I do. I had taped the game on my VCR (kids... ask your parents what a VCR is) because I had Spotlighter practice at school. Watched the game after I got home.
For some -- at least for four families -- 9/11 is now the day they remember that muslim thugs broke into the place overseas their loved ones worked and murdered them in cold blood why our government leaders stood by and watched.
Of course, for most, 9/11 is THE day. Maybe the worst day of their lives. Certainly the most sad. The day we all watched our nation attacked -- unprovoked -- and thousands of innocent lives were slaughtered and shattered. We all remember where we were that day.
I've watched all morning as people all over social media have posted pictures of flags, soldiers, first responders and victims on their sites, most with the words, "Never Forget," and I wonder: Have we really "never forgotten?"
Why is it only today we must "Never Forget?" Many of those who have posted such items are the same people who now blame President Bush for plunging us into an "unnecessary" war. Many have complained about the money our country has spent on those wars, and the lives that have been lost fighting them, and the economic woes into which they believe our country was plunged they perceive because of the wars. Many of those some people with flags on their posts think George W. Bush is a war monger. They think the man who never campaigned as a wartime president -- and yet was thrust into 9/11 mere months after taking office -- who then ultimately prevented another attack on our soil, is an incompetent blunderer who ruined our country, started hurricanes, and destroyed our economy.
Never Forget.
Our current President has based his entire farcical foreign policy on blaming President Bush for waging "two" wars. (I've wondered, by the way, why people classify the War on Terror as two wars, simply because it has been fought in multiple places. World War II was fought heavily in two different parts of the world -- Europe and West Pacific Islands -- and yet, everyone sees that as just one war.) President Obama has publicly labeled the War on Terror as, quote, "unnecessary" and "costly" and "un-winnable." He blamed Bush for paying for those wars on a "credit card."
Never Forget.
Last night, President Obama said, "I will not pursue an open-ended action like Iraq or Afghanistan," while at the same time asking the citizens of the United States to support a military action that, in effect, supports rebels in another country who hold the same beliefs as those who hijacked our planes, knocked down the twin towers, destroyed part of our Pentagon, and killed thousands of our brothers and sisters.
Never Forget.
Last year, on the anniversary of this tragic day, muslim freaks, with malice and planned forethought, attacked our embassy in Benghazi, and savagely murdered four of our citizens. Most of the evidence surrounding that event that has since become public suggests that our government leaders -- including President Obama -- knew it was going to happen ahead of time, did nothing to prevent it, and little to nothing to stop it as it occurred, and instead chose to blame the whole event on a video some guy in Missouri made that was less than flattering to muslims. Our government has done nothing since to bring to justice those responsible. (I just saw on the news that another blast has rocked Benghazi this very morning.)
Never Forget.
Our president OPENLY supported the muslim brotherhood in their bloody takeover of Egypt. He even called it an "Arab Spring" and a "Dawn of Freedom" for Egypt. This same muslim brotherhood that once claimed among their ranks the hijackers of 9/11, and the same muslim brotherhood that is now slaughtering Christians by the hundreds in Egypt.
Never Forget.
How would you feel today if President Bush had done nothing? It is true that some of the intelligence info we had concerning Saddam Hussein has since proven to be false, and yet, did that make him any less dangerous to the world? Was there no reason to believe at the time that if he wasn't directly involved in the attacks, he at least supported it? Is the world not a better place without Saddam Hussein? Or is murderous-thug sons, who were so brutal they made their dad look like Mickey Mouse?
What about Bin Laden? What if Bush had never pursued him? Sure, he was finally gunned down under Obama's watch, but how much more damage could he have done if he had not been pushed into hiding by our pursuit? What could he have done if he believed he could operate without fear of retaliation from the United States? How many more Americans would he have murdered? How much stronger would Al Queda be today if we hadn't taken the fight to them? I'll tell you this... they've never attempted another attack here on our soil.
Never Forget.
Indeed, today is a good day to "Never Forget." But I would say that every day is a good day to "Never Forget." Because every day our President and his administration shows support for those who caused 9/11. Every time another muslim attack takes another American life, we're told that they're just "extremists" and they don't represent true muslims. That we're all just supposed to accept the premise that all they really want is peace and love, when all we ever see is murder and destruction. Our President gives little but lip service to our friends and allies in Israel, but asks us to support a military strike that will benefit muslim rebels in Syria.
You get that? President Obama is on public record as saying our war in Iraq and Afghanistan against the terrorists who caused 9/11 was a "foolish decision" by President Bush. As a member of the Senate in 2004, he voted against a troop surge and additional funding for the war, and as a candidate in 2008 vowed to end our involvement in Iraq, which he eventually did. But last night, he asked us to support those same muslim rebels with a military strike against their enemies.
Never Forget.
How many of you say you "Never Forget," but you have forgotten exactly why we were fighting in the first place? How many of you have forgotten that we didn't ask for this fight? They brought it to us. President Bush didn't go looking for a war. He had one dropped in his lap. How would you feel today if he had decided not to fight back? How would our world be different?
Ask yourself this... Knowing what we now know about President Obama: would you rather he had been President on 9/11? Do you think he has what it takes to have led us through that kind of event? Do you wish now that someone who supports muslim ideals would have in charge after they attacked us?
No, I choose to "Never Forget" every day. And I will "Never Forget" until those who keep doing these horrible things to our country, our freedom and our people are defeated and no longer a threat. And I will vote for and support leaders in our country who love America and will fight against those who try to destroy us, and not for them. I will "Never Forget" until we have a President who stands up for America and takes the fight to the bad guys.
Never Forget... today, tomorrow and every day after.
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