You realize, of course, that there is only one way to defeat ISIS? You know what it is, right?
It's the one thing we wouldn't do in Korea, in Vietnam, and so far, in the Middle East.
We started to do it in Japan in 1945, but the Japanese surrendered as soon as they saw we were serious.
It will also mean collateral damage in the form of innocent lives, which is the primary reason we don't do it.
Complete, and utter annihilation.
Indeed, it is the only thing that will truly defeat ISIS, and Al Queda, and the Taliban, for that matter. We must wipe them from existence. It is the only course of action that will truly defeat them, once and for all.
We have the capability. We just don't have the stomach for it.
The problem is simple: these little mamby-pamby bombing raids do little more then flush them out of their holes and force them to move elsewhere. We're celebrating France's response to the horrible attacks they suffered last week as "heroic" and "massive" and so forth. But the truth is that the United States has been bombing Muslim terrorist outposts for years, and it has done little, if anything, to stop them.
And diplomacy... please. Not with these neanderthals.
France will drop their share of bombs because they're pissed off -- right now. In a few months, this will all blow by and we'll all be standing around for whenever and wherever the next terrorist attack will occur.
President Obama -- capitulation and weakness personified -- is on the news this very moment telling everybody how awful these terrorists are, but almost in the same sentence attempting to justify why going after them with any real force is not the best course of action, saying that putting boots on the ground would be a "mistake."
In a way, he's probably right. Because if we did put boots on the ground, we would very likely not send anywhere near enough to actually get the job done.
And they're not needed anyway. We have the technological -- and superior -- firepower to wipe them from existence once and for all, possibly without losing a single American life.
But it's that pesky collateral damage we can't get past.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not heartless enough to want to see innocent lives, especially women and children, mowed down just to get the bad guys. I also am not naive enough to not understand the international ramifications of such an endeavor. (Although I'm not sure not being "liked" by other countries is deterrent enough not to take such action.)
But I also am not blind. And I understand that when you're in war -- which we are, make no mistake -- that sometimes innocent people have to die.
I find it interesting that in the Bible, when God would order His people to make war (which He did, frequently) He often commanded His people to wipe out every living thing, including the livestock. (See I Samuel 15, and Deuteronomy 20, wherein he tells His people, "Do not leave anything that breathes.")
Why did God make such commandments? It's fairly simple, really. You cannot risk leaving behind anyone who might take up the cause against you again. You cannot risk not getting every single possible enemy. Often, the bad guys would hide behind their innocent loved ones in attempts to save themselves. And you certainly can't leave the message that you might be soft, and not fully committed to achieving your objective. You have to say, "We will win, at all costs."
Surely there are peoples in those lands who are innocent, and not supporters of the evil of ISIS, and yet, the vast, overwhelming majority are Muslim, a religion at its very core that is at enmity with God, and a Christian nation like ourselves. (Yes, we are a Christian nation, founded on the principles of the God of the Bible, despite what some numbskulls are trying to convince everyone of these days.) And it is a political ideology that by its very nature hates America and everything it stands for. When you see on the news hundreds and thousands of Muslims rioting in the streets shouting and holding signs that read, "Death to America!" what do you think they mean by that?
How are we to weed out the innocent lives anyway? There are most certainly female and child suicide bombers. Yes, forced, perhaps, in some cases. But not all. How can we tell?
You see, that was a major problem in Vietnam. In our efforts to try to weed out the good from the bad, and with all the shouts of "Baby Killers" over here, we often passed over sometimes entire villages that would claim to be "innocent." Often, like cowards, parading their wives and children out front as a ruse. Only to see them take up arms against us later. And we all know how that whole Vietnam thing turned out for us.
We have no real way of knowing, of course, which is why nothing but complete destruction will work. As was the case with Japan, the loss of innocent lives today would save the loss of millions upon millions of innocent lives in the future.
Beginning likely with Afghanistan, it must be wiped from the map. Which we are capable of doing, even without nuclear weaponry. If they don't give up then, you move to Syria, Iraq, and so forth.
Until we are willing to do that, attacks like 9/11 and now in Paris will continue, and it will be OUR innocent lives that continue to be lost. Because it is only a matter of when -- not IF -- another attack hits here on US soil.
You know it's true. It is the only way.